COVID-19: How We’re Faring

September 2021

In the Book of Acts, chapter 20, verse 24, the Apostle Paul spoke of the hardships he had undergone in the ministry and after having described them, he stated that " none of these things move me..."

When COVID-19 struck most countries in early 2020, Evangelist and Missionary Hopkins were prepared to go to Uganda. Tickets were purchased and the itinerary set; however, they were faced with the prospect of being quarantined in that country for a minimum of two weeks upon arrival. After prayerful consideration, the decision was made to postpone the trip.

Although the missionaries did not travel at that time, the work of CIM was ongoing.

Churches and workers have been greatly affected since the beginning of the pandemic. Most of our work is in the rural areas of Uganda and Nigeria, and as result of mandatory lockdowns and travel restrictions, farmers could not take their produce and livestock to the markets in the local towns. People were not free to move about to conduct business, which resulted in harsh economic conditions and food shortages in some instances.

For those affected, there is no media saturation, only the occasional cell phone, so they met as they could and persevered in the work. The result is that in Uganda and Nigeria:

  • they continued to care for those less fortunate

  • there was ongoing evangelism

  • believers continued to gather as they could

In Nigeria in December 2020, CIM co-sponsored the annual camp meeting held in the Abeokuta area of Nigeria. Usually Evangelist and Mrs. Hopkins are able to be present, but could not attend this time.  Efforts were made to practice social distancing, but masking has not been a practical measure in the rural area where the meeting takes place. The leaders there reported no illness as a result of the gathering.

Christ Care School, a project of CIM in Uganda, was closed due to the pandemic, but reopened a few months after the restrictions were lifted. When the virus resurged in that country, the school was closed a second time until the situation improved.

In Uganda, one CIM church was completed in Kyaketereka during the pandemic. The pastor, Nestori Asaba, had begun the planning when Evangelist and Missionary Hopkins were last there in late 2019. Through his hard work and determination, along with the members and support from CIM donors in the U.S., the church was completed. This pastor has also planted two additional churches, all during the crisis caused by the virus.


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